Subject RE: [Firebird-general] MySQL to Fight Oracle With Fire(bird)?
Author Paul Beach
> As long as the 'outside world' - i.e. potential users - is aware.
> I don't know if it has already been done, but it may be a good
> opportunity to have a press release (from Firebird's side) to all those
> magazines that reported on this story. It should at least convey Paul's
> message (as above). I really don't know who is in charge of this side of
> the project. But now the story is 'hot' and we have attention in de
> db-place.

I am aware of it, and it would be a good idea to re-read all the articles
and explain the story from the Project's perspective and broadcast it.
However you have to wait until at least some of the stories are out
before you can respond to them. So drafting soemthing about what impact
Jim going to MySQL will have on the project - i.e. not as big an
impact as the journo's think would be a good thing. Howvever as part of
Jim's contract with MySQL - we have 45 days to get him to fix bugs in
Vulcan, and at the moment this is at the top of my priorities, because
I want Vulcan beta complete as soon as possible. If anybody wants to
draft something, I am more than happy to edit, read, add, amend etc
however if people could start playing with, testing and looking for
bugs in Vulcan (reports can be made to me directly, or to the devel
list), that would also be a great help. Snapshots of Vulcan (latest)
are currently available from:

I'm not making excuses for not being on top of this "story", as I would
have liked to be, but the news effectively broke the day I moved house,
so its taken me a couple of weeks to get my office and life back together
and catch up.
