Subject RE: [Firebird-general] Firebird money matters
Author Kevin Stanton
This has been a very interesting thread that has gotten me thinking of what
I should've been doing all along. I have an app on the market that is low
volume sales but typically (fairly) high dollar sales. I'm going to change
the line item that reads Firebird RDBMS N/C to Firebird RDBMS $100-$1000
depending upon the sale amount (user counts range from 2-75, 75 is a very
decent dollar amount). Whenever I sell the product whatever amount the FB
line item states will be forwarded on to the foundation.

I've bought the developer CD but that hardly seems enough. I've got
customers running their entire business with FB as their backend which like
was stated earlier, they don't really know that and/or they just don't care.
They just want the app to run.

Anyhow, I think if we could all do this (or a good percentage of us) this
would greatly help out. I know my business/industry can support this.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mauricio Longo
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Firebird-general] Firebird money matters


My whole business depends on FB, yet I have never paid a penny for
> it. And of course, I don't want to pay for it. I sometimes think I
> should make a donation, but I am running a business, not a charity,
> and when it comes to the moment of deciding whether to give money
> away, or hang on to it to help with the payroll, then my charitable
> instincts do not win.
Perhaps you'd well to join the Firebird Foundation and contribute the $50
USD annual membership dues. Since you admit that your whole business
depends on Firebird, you might consider it profitable to contribute, to the
product's development, that insignificant ammount, yearly. That way you
could, actualy, talk about shame, shamelessly. :-)



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