Subject MySQL buys Netfrastructure
Author Ann W. Harrison
Hi - Jim sent this to the Firebird administrators, architects,
and developers. All I can add to it is that the management of
MySQL has been very understanding and supportive of my intention
to continue to work with Firebird.



My company, Netfrastructure, Inc., has been acquired by MySQL, AB. As
part of the agreement, I will be working full time for MySQL. I expect
to lurk on the architecture list from time to time and may contribute
the occasional wolf-o-gram, but I will not be taking an active part in
Firebird development. Although Ann will work for MySQL, part time,
translating from wolf to English, she will continue to be active in the
Firebird project.

My decision to join MySQL has almost nothing to do with Firebird and
everything to do with Netfrastructure. The Netfrastructure platform
represents what I feel about contemporary computing hardware and future
application requirements, and has been the center of my technical heart
and soul for six year. Some aspects of Netfrastructure technology have
already been contributed to the Vulcan project, but Firebird and
Netfrastructure are architecturally incompatible. An attempt to
integrate the technologies would be unlikely to meet the goals of either

MySQL and Firebird have never seen each other as competitors and I doubt
this will change in the future. The projects have different open source
philosophies, different technologies, different customer bases, and
different sweet spots. The ideas behind the two projects are, happily,
public and available to all. If MySQL and Firebird compete, it is only
competition in offering the best possible support to their respective

I am pleased to have had the opportunity to finish the Vulcan project.
The combination of Vulcan SMP and architecture combined the rich feature
set of Firebird 2 will make a solid release and a superb platform for
future development.

I wish the Firebird project all the best in years to come. And if you
need an opinion, please feel free to call.