Subject Kudos to the FB Team
Author Kevin Stanton
I upgraded a client this past weekend from SS 1.03 (older single processor)
to Classic 1.53 on a new duel processor box. I have a couple of processes
that crunch through inventory detail records which has an impact on the rest
of the system. (I can't seem to get this one inventory report optimized for
some reason).

I just asked the customer this morning if they have experienced any
improvements and here is the reply:

"Major improvements! Corrine ran her reports on Monday and no one even
noticed. Incredible. The true test will be on the first when everyone is
running their huge reports."

This is very very cool. I always worry a bit about upgrading a database
server but this went very smooth.

Thanks to all and keep up the GREAT work!

Kevin Stanton
RDB Solutions