Subject Firebird Conference: Call For Papers
Author Paul Beach
The Third Firebird Worldwide Conference will take place at the
Hotel Olsanka in Prague, Czech Republic.

The opening session will be on Sunday evening, 13th November 2005.
Sessions will run through to the evening of Tuesday 15th November 2005
(closing session)

Call for Speaker Papers

Are you, or is anyone you know, interested in being a speaker at the

Ideally, each speaker should offer to do at least two sessions, although
it isn't an absolute requirement. We would accept a single session if the
topic is considered interesting enough.

A session will last for 50 minutes plus 10 minutes for turnaround amd questions.
If your talk takes more than a single session, then it should span multiple sessions.
If your session is especially popular you may be asked to repeat it.

The opening session on Sunday evening will take place in a large lecture hall.
Four smaller rooms are available all day for for Monday and Tuesday and a
lecture hall is available for afternoon sessions that are likely to have larger
audiences. The closing session will be in the lecture hall on Tuesday evening.

It is expected that conference tracks will cover the following issues

Migrating to Firebird from other databases, why you chose Firebird and
how you are using it, installation and configuration.

Understanding, developing with and using Firebird
Firebird engine development, Firebird internals (including Vulcan),
QA, Documentation, Firebird Project

Connectivity and application development with Firebird (e.g. Delphi,

Firebird third party tools and applications

Local language topics (e.g. German, French, Czech etc)

Each topic description should indicate the possible track, a title and at
least 200 words outlining the main points of your talk. Once we have received
the outline we will let you know whether you have been accepted as a speaker.

Prospective speakers, please send your outlines to pbeach@..., by
August 31st 2005.


Speakers who are resident in Europe will be reimbursed 800.00 Euros. Those from
other countries will be reimbursed $1400.00 USD. Hotel accommodation will be
provided for the three conference nights, from the Sunday night until checkout
on the Wednesday morning.

Publication of Papers

Each selected speaker will be expected to turn in a technical paper in electronic
(HTML - Hypertext markup language) form for each abstract topic originally approved.
All illustrations and graphics pertaining to each paper must also be submitted.
The papers should contain enough detail to enable a reader to fully understand the
topic without benefit of a physical presentation. Speakers may also submit samples
of code and/or presentation slides.

All accepted papers will be published electronically on a conference CD for the
attendees after the conference. We may choose to sell the conference proceedings
CD outside of the conference, or publish items separately. By submitting materials
to the Firebird conference, you grant the Firebird Foundation permission to use,
reproduce, audio/video record amd distribute your materials.

Paul Beach
Main Tel (UK):+44 (0) 1844 354357
Mobile: (UK): +44 (0) 7837 898072