Subject RE: [Firebird-general] Re: Summarising the slogan list
Author Nigel Weeks
Here's the list I've been collecting:
If you find I've missed one, PLEASE, trim your replies!!

294 entries!


---- Start of list ----

Nobody will get Fired for using Firebird!
Your business gone for a loop? - Arise from the ashes with Firebird!
"bring power to your hands"
"bring power to your office"
"powerful, powerful but easy" (from "stern, stren but fair" *g*)
Firebird - Simply the best!
"Fire in the wire"
"All of the power, none of the fuss"
"Power with ease"?
Firebird: The World's most Reliable Open Source Database
Firebird: The powerful, compact, reliable Open Source Database
"The ultimate Power" ?
"Firebird SQL Server: Develop, Deploy and Relax"
Powerful, compact, reliable, free.
"Firebird SQL Server: Develop, Deploy and Relax. No no no :-) Anything but a
re-visit of MTossy's original tag line ....
"Firebird: The High Performance, Low Maintenance Open Source SQL " +
Power by turn of a key!
Trust Firebird SQL to deliver - everytime!
"Fizz with Firebird"
For "real" business !
- ACID Tested, Admin Approved..
- Real Business, Real Fast, Real Results..
"Firebird: A database to store your own."
"SQL server ? Firebird."
An orchestra of opportunity, a symphony of power
FirebirdSQL: The Internationally dependable Enterprise SQL Solution.
Firebird: the enterprise SQL-ly yours
Firebird SQL: Reliable Open Source That Lets You Sleep At Night.
Firebird: So good, Mozilla borrowed our name.
"Firebird - Full Featured and Free"
Firebird - Full Featured and Truly Free SQL Server
Firebird - Complete Quality and Totally Free SQL Server
Firebird - Full Featured and Totally Free for everyone SQL Server
"Firebird - The true face of Open Source"
Firebird SQL server: Embedded. Workgroup. Enterprise.
Firebird SQL server: Everything you need and free for everyone.
Firebird SQL server: Stability proved by time.
"Firebird SQL: We build Excitement"
Firebird - The ultimate power of Enterprise SQL RDBMS
Firebird: The right tool for the job.
Firebird: Do it right first time.
Firebird: The Ford F150 of databases.
Firebird: Fast, Featured and Free.
Firebird SQL: Keeping your data safe
Firebird SQL: The free SQL Database for keeping your data safe
Firebird SQL: Keeping your data safe with Open-Source
Firebird SQL: Database power with peace of mind
Firebird SQL: Database power without the pain
Firebird SQL: Free database power without the pain
Firebird: The enterprise ready, open source SQL database.
Firebird: Community tested, Enterprise approved open source SQL database.
Firebird: Community tested, Business approved open source SQL database.
Firebird - DB Freedom: From Worries, From Loss, From Cost
Firebird: Are you ready for more?
... more stable
... more capable
... more value
... more performance
... more flexibility
... more excitement ;)
"Firebird - Freedom: From Worries, From Loss, From Cost"
Firebird - Freedom: From Loss, From Cost, From Worries
Firebird, Zero Limit, Zero Cost
Firebird, No Limit, No Cost
Firebird, No Limit, No Cost, No Problem
Firebird, A database with no limits and no cost, Priceless
Firebird, The best free lunch in the world
Firebird, The Price of Independence? $0.00 (targeted toward developers)
Firebird, Take Control of Your Data
Firebird, Take Control of Your Business
Firebird, Take Control of Your Future (targeted toward developers)
Firebird, Take Control of Your Cost
Firebird, Take Control
Firebird, The Wings of Freedom Flown Across the World
Firebird, The Wings of Freedom Across the World
Firebird, The Wings of Freedom
Firebird - The legend continues.
Firebird DBMS: No Limit, No Cost, No Problem
Firebird, Limit Free, Cost Free, Problem Free
Firebird: Take control of tomorrow
Firebird: Unlimited Freedom
Firebird: be free.
Firebird: Prendre contrĂ´le de l'avenir
Firebird: Prendre contrĂ´le du futur
Firebird: Optimistic by nature, through generations.
Firebird: Freedom
Firebird: Freedom and Power
Firebird: The legend continues.
Firebird: Meet the Legend.
Firebird: Pure Power.
Firebird: Empower Yourself.
Firebird: Powerful, Reliable or Easy? Pick any three. (love this one, but
it's better for e-mail signature than general slogan)
Firebird: More than database.
Firebird: Solution that works.
Firebird forever.
Firebird: Plain sailing.
Firebird: What else?
Firebird: Simply clever. (but it's used by Skoda Auto)
Firebird: Inspired database.
Firebird: Just works.
Firebird: Smart technology.
Firebird: Proven solution.
Firebird: A database with vision.
Firebird: Inspired Technology.
Firebird: Proven Technology.
Firebird: More than Technology.
Firebird: More than Solution.
Firebird: Be Free
Firebird: Let the force be with you
great minds think alike
Fight fire with Firebird
Firebird: where others got their tricks
Firebird Rocks!
Firebird: Rock Solid
Firebird: Unlock The Legend.
Tired of fighting fires? Get Firebird.
Firebird: More with less.
Firebird: More more with more.
Firebird: Tomorrow's database, today
Firebird: The Database of tomorrow, today
Soaring high, soaring wide, soaring free
Low fat, high calorie RDBMS
RDBMS that's clever in ways the rest aspire to
Born to be clever
Flying ahead of the flock
Reborn to fly
Firebird: The One to Trust
Firebird: Another one bites the dust. (...what?)
Firebird: the only database that matters
Firebird - just take off
Firebird - just fly away
Firebird: Hassle free, by design.
Firebird: MySQL on steroids
Firebird: nuff said!
Firebird: The only way is up!
Firebird: The name behind open source databases
Firebird: <tony* voice>its ggggrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaattttt</tony voice>
Firebird: Too hot to handle
Firebird: Fun Database Management.
Firebird: Data, Data, Data
Firebird: The real alternative to [MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQL Server]
Firebird: Securing Data!
Firebird: Where your data [matters/counts/lasts]!
Firebird: Preserving your data.
Firebird: Data management, the open source way.
Firebird: Data preservation the firebird way.
Firebird: The resource friendly database.
Data Management the Firebird way!
Firebird: Professional integrity
Firebird: Your data safe in our hands
Firebird: oohhhh yeah baby!
Firebird: Are you thinking what we're thinking
Firebird: The creativity centre.
Firebird: Because we care.
Firebird: Think outside of the box!
Firebird: Break Free.
Firebird: Promotional Prospects.
Firebird: grok with us.
Firebird: Do yo know what your missing?
firebird: Made to last.
Firebird: Australians wouln't give a XXXX for anything else!
Firebird: If you can.
Firebird: The Oracle has spoken!
Firebird: the choice of champions
Firebird - doing SQL the right way.
Firebird - managing databases the right way.
Firebird: the Enterprise choice
Firebird: the living legend
Firebird - The *S*QL *Q*uest for a *L*egend
Firebird: The Legend Reborn
"Firebird: Up from the Ashes"
Firebird: no need to bring a towel
Firebird: no ordinary egg
Firebird: the Business choice
Firebird: Be Professional
Firebird: Be Free at Work
Firebird: Free your Work
Firebird - A legend in its own lunchtime.
Firebird: not built like a sausage
Firebird: Reliable, Powerful, Simple, and FREE
Firebird: No strings attached.
Firebird: No fine print.
Firebird: Reliable, Powerful, Solid, and FREE.
Firebird: Reliable SQL!
Firebird: Your Data Vault!
Firebird: Like a Rock!
Firebird: Solid as a Rock!
Firebird: Solid SQL!
Firebird: Powerful, Reliable, Uncomplicated and FREE
Firebird: Enterprise ready.
Firebird: Embedded to Enterprise.
Firebird: A Powerful Ally.
Firebird: Productivity Unleashed.
Firebird: Performance Unleashed.
Firebird: Power Unleashed.
Firebird: Soar Beyond Your Dreams
Firebird: LEGEND - Now and Here!
The High Performance Database, no DBA needed...
Firebird: What -- Me Worry?"
Firebird - the data freeway
Firebird - The DataBank
Firebird - The Legendary DataBank
Firebird: Generate Something
Firebird: Achieve Something.
Firebird: Take the red pill
Take the fire pill
FireBird MX?
FireBird GT?
"Firebird - legend reborn <sub-slogan> Take Control of Your Business"
"Firebird - legend reborn <sub-slogan> Take Control of Your Future"
"Firebird - legend reborn <sub-slogan> The Wings of Freedom Across the
Firebird: Be Cool!
Firebird: Great idea!
Firebird: Simplicity of the complexity
Firebird: unleash the power within
Firebird: unleash the ultimate power
Firebird: Lock and Load!
Firebird: Ready for more?
Firebird: Ready for more...
Firebird: Solid SQL
Firebird: Rock Solid SQL
Firebird: We Will Rock You (I have little known tune in mind for a jingle)
Firebird: Get yar rocks off (have a tune....) Firebird Rocks
Firebird: Put SOLID back in SQL
Firebird: Scaleable SQL
Firebird: SQL Everywhere
Firebird: SSE (Scaleable Server Everywhere)
Firebird: the database you can trust
Firebird: the only database you can trust
Trust your data with Firebird
Trust your data - with Firebird
Trust your data... with Firebird
Firebird: trust your data
Firebird: you can trust your data
Firebird: depend on your data
Firebird: rely on your data
Firebird, and you can trust your data
Firebird, and rely on your data
Firebird - your data's keeper
Firebird: Are you ready for challenge?
Firebird: database you can commend your data.
Firebird - trustful solution
Firebird - your data's keeper
Firebird: Power to the people.
Firebird: Born to be Free.
Firebird: A Silent Revolution.
Firebird: The Burning Hearth of Database Technology.
Firebird: A Database that Sing.
Firebird: A Database that truly grok your data.
or shorter version
Firebird: We grok your data.
Firebird: There IS Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
or in short:
Firebird: TISTAAFL
oh boy, I'm going really deep into it, but couldn't resist :-)
Firebird: Is Not A Harsh Mistress.
and yet another one for those who know R.A.Heinlein's work even more
intimately :-)
Firebird: - We Also Walk Dogs!
Firebird - the trusted solution.
Firebird: Always On
Firebird: Only for smart people ;)
Firebird: Be smart
Firebird: Stand out from the crowd!
Firebird: Enduring Excellence
Firebird: Data Endurance
Firebird: Data evolution.
Firebird: Standing the test of time!
Firebird: Progressive Data Management.
Firebird - presented in DoubleVision (where drunk)
JOIN Firebird! Don't be LEFT OUTer
Fb4Me - Query Me Why
I *heart* Firebird - Query me Why
Firebird: The Sequel
Firebird: The SeQueL
Firebird - SELECT the trusted Legend
Firebird - SELECT the trusted solution.
Firebird: Query me why
Firebird: THE database ;)
Firebird: Standing the test of time!
Select NAME from RDBMS
where Licence_Cost = 0
and Licence_Restrictions = 0
and Administration < 1
and RUNS_ON in ('Win32', 'Linux', 'MacOSX')
and is Reliable;


Firebird: The Professionals Choice