Subject OT: SQL/PSQL Coding Style/Formatting
Author Christian Gütter

I am looking for a SQL coding style guide that could be used to unify
the coding style for a project.

As you all know, every programmer has a different coding style and
will even fight to death to defend it ;-)
I am not looking for the ultimate solution, but for a (well-respected)
document that a group of programmers can use as a common standard.

It should deal with the use of indentations and line breaks, the
position of parentheses and all this stuff. A example of such a
document for Delphi would be the Object Pascal Style Guide on the BDN
website (,1410,10280,00.html).

Of course one could develop an own set of rules, but this takes a lot
of time and a lot of arguments.

So does anybody of you know a web page or a book where this topic is

Thanks in advance for your answers,
