Subject Which licence?
Author Andrew Lowe
Greeting all,
I'm currently in the process of integrating Firebird into the
application that I work on. It's come time to make sure things are all
legal and above board W.R.T. Firebirds licence and our companys lawyers.

If I look on the main page of the Firebird site, one of the
first couple of paragraphs mention that new code modules added to
Firebird are licenced under the IDPL but the original modules where
licenced by Inprise/Borland under the Interbase Public Licence. I can
remember reading somewhere that Firebird V2, which we will be shipping
with, was a complete rewrite of the originally released code. Therefore
am I correct in:

1) Remembering that V2 is a complete rewrite?

2) If it is a rewrite, then does all of V2 fall under the IDPL?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated as I would like to keep the
interaction between myself and the lawyers to a minimum and if I can say
that there is no question regarding the licence, all the better.

Andrew Lowe