Subject Re: [Firebird-general] 4 Days After...(a moderate rant)
Author marius popa
On 11/15/05, Dariusz Zelichowski <z_darius@...> wrote:
> About 4 days ago, while hopping around the net to find some db related stuff I stumbled upon a comment that Firebird's releases are too far apart. "Kinda true", I thought and I went to to see what's happening there. The announcement of the day said:
> "Firebird 2.0 Beta 1 builds are available for download and testing (including Classic for AMD64 Linux)."
> This has been posted on Firebird sites 4 days ago, and still no echo of the fact anywhere else on the net. What's happening with the Firebird PR? To date I haven't seen any mention of the above milestone on any other general database or Linux sites?
If you want to help you can post the news on sites you know
(distribute the load)
Here is the list of sites i will work on it this week

We have worked at for an automated solution written in php
but have to ask my boss if i can use it for spreading the word :)

ps: if you know other sites please contact me or send it to this list,
