Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Names (was: Oracle to offer free database)
Author Artur Anjos
Roman Rokytskyy wrote:

>Different names, especially "embedded"/"standard"/"enterprise" suppose
>different functionality (and also size of the distribution), since
>commercial vendors use those words exactly for such purposes.
>But the fact is that person who's embedding Firebird gets the same
>functionality as the one using "enterprise" version, the only thing
>that is missing is support for wire protocol, the difference in size
>is few hundred kilobytes, that does not count. We are different, we
>have something that can be called "one size fit all", it works and
>works very good, and we give it for free. Why should we constraint us
>by the limits that others invent?
Some people call it "Marketing", Roman. :-)

Remember that Set propose this as an initial aproach, to Firebird
newbies. And for people that comes from other database, "one size fit
all" is not an easy concept to understand. :-)
