Subject Database coding standards
Author Simon Carter
I have been searching the internet for a basic set of coding standards for
database development, to be included with an app I have. I failed to find
many documents at all on the subject, and none specific to Firebird or

I have written a brief doc on this
(, which is based
on one of the docs I did find. If you have any spare time could you cast an
eye over the document and maybe suggest enhancements, corrections etc etc.

FYI I am not trying to create a definitive document, nor do I want to
convert anybody to using it, I am merely after creating a basic framework
that can easily be extended by people, if they see fit/want to, all to be
distributed as part of an app I have.

Feel free to email any suggestions/comments directly
(simon.carter@...), if its considered too off topic.


Si Carter