Subject Re: AW: [Firebird-general] Object Pascal and bigotry, an apology.
Author Giovanni Premuda
Uwe Grauer wrote:

>Minutes from Delphi to hours in Python isn't true.
In fact I wasn't blaming the interpreter, I was blaming garbage collection.
Garbage collected languages do not allow you to control what you do with
memory. The effect on my app (which is a syntactical analyzer for the
italian language) is an increase in execution time from minutes to
hours. Of course this is an extreme case, as most apps do not need a
500MB in-memory structure, but I find myself on these extreme
situations quite often. :)

> In Python, you would be 5 to 10 times faster then with Pascal, C++.

I think I have found the ultimate answer to this recurring topic: you develop faster in the language you use more often!


Giovanni Premuda - SoftWerk sas
Salita S. Matteo 23/2 - 16123 GENOVA
Tel. 010 2471222 - Fax. 010 2470822