Subject Re: [Firebird-general] big time firebird
Author Phil Shrimpton
On Friday 07 May 2004 19:18, Fred Pratt wrote:


> I have followed this group pretty closely and have not seen a reference to
> a Firebird database larger than 15GB (and that was my own). Are there
> larger ones out there?

We have a few production systems that have DB sizes a lot bigger than 15GB,
but due to their nature and where they are deployed, I can't give you any
more detailed information.

As others as said, the biggest "problem" is the backup/restore cycle which
can take many hours (days <g>)., but in 3/4 years we have never had to
restore a DB, so it is only really a problem to 'the powers that be'. To
calm their fears we have separate 'server', that makes a backup and does a
test restore on 'automatic repeat' every 1.5 days and archives kept, and once
a month we kick every one off the system and do a 'live copy' of the DB on a
very fast network/disk. In disarster recovery tests, we can be back online
within a couple of hours, with < 1.5 days data loss, which is acceptable to
our clients.

Discover a lost art - play Marbles
May 2004
ICQ: 760757 | AIM: pjshrimpton | Y!: pjshrimpton | pjshrimpton@...