Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Firebird Standing
Author Dariusz Zelichowski
As far as MySQL id concerned, while it may have its uses,
and it obviously does, you may want to read the article
within the following link. Ultimately you will have to
decide what features are important to you and which
database to use. According to the article Interbase
(Firebird is a fork of Interbase) and P.SQL are more
suitable for enterprise than MySQL. Well, best if you read
it yourself. Good luck with your choices.

--- james_027 <james_027@...> wrote:
> I wonder what is the standing of the firebird against
> other DB like
> Oracle, MS SQL, IBM DB2, My SQL, P. SQL.
> I all I can say is that Firebird is better than MS SQL
> becase I have
> use MS SQL before. In terms of speed, and ease of use,
> and
> maintenance. Firebird is too good of MS SQL. In terms of
> SQL features
> I think MS SQL lead this one. MS SQL has a lot of feature
> which could
> be very useful although they are not SQL Standard.
> (correct me on
> this one if Iam wrong Iam not very familiar with all the
> SQL reserve
> word for Firebird). Though we can use UDF, but I think
> using UDF
> could drag the speed performance down. I find MS SQL
> implementation
> of triggers are very poor, in Firebird it is much better.
> Comparing to other databases I don't know much. Comparing
> Firebird to
> MySQL I think is not right in my opinion. Because MySQL
> is not a
> complete DBMS. Searching in the web for articles about
> usually find Oracle, MS SQL, and MySQL competing each
> other. I
> seldom heard Firebird in commercial or enterprise
> community.
> So I wonder what is the standing of Firebird.
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