Subject Thanks 4 "mySQL vs FireBird" answers and reply 2 Robert Munro
Author Wilfried Atgé
thank a lot to all ... for your answers ...

Then to answer Robert Munro about pseudo peer2peer...I should first
confess that i'm not a developper... and my post on the forum was to
find arguments for my collegues :-) .
So : We are developping a ticketing solution for theatres, venues ,
etc. We want our customers to develop formal or un-formal selling
network, permanent or not..
We do refuse to use a hierarchical network architecture, so --> no
central consolidation server...

When we will install a new customer server ( a client = at list a
server, a database , etc.), it will ask " a friend" on the network if
he know other " friends" to work with... then ask to the friends from
its friend the same question.. and so on

Then Our customer will have the ability to work with all the
institution using or system .. If they both agree..

So we will use multiple database then a big one..

That 's it... Hope it's clear enough....

Thanks again for your comments..
