Subject Re: [Firebird-general] HELLO FROM FULDA
Author Artur Anjos
I think I'm the first one getting home from Fulda (alive!).

So, here are somme comments:

----- Original Message -----
> Sure, sure, have a great time. Don't feel bad about *us* toiling away
> here for our paltry existence :-)

We did have a GREAT time, and we did talk about all of you that we miss

> No, seriously: it's great knowing that the conference is such a
> succes. Greetings to everybody in Fulda!

Put BIG sucess on that. :-)

> You know what I'm curious about? About how many people came to the
> conference. Dozens? Hundreds?

Not a hundred, but very close. Let's wait for someone with precide details.

> Just discovered the "live" image at
> But the faces are too dark to tell if you all look bored, attentive
> or just relaxed :-)

Sean best 'back plan', and Mark near the window. Never bored, always
attentive and relaxed. :-)
