Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Fwd: Use of the name "Firebird"
Author Robert J Munro
Paul Reeves wrote:

>On Tuesday 16 December 2003 16:41, Robert (Jamie) Munro wrote:
>>The Mozilla foundation has a lot more money than the Firebird
>Yes, but they have a lot less now that AOL have pulled the plug.
>>They both have similar aims (develop open source
>>software). Why don't we offer to change our name for a good faith
>Let's talk figures - how much would be enough?
What about matching all the foundations donations to date? I have no
idea how much this is in money terms, but it is, by definition, a lot of
money to the Firebird foundation. If you don't think it is enough, you
could always donate some money to the foundation quickly, in the
knowledge that the Mozilla will have to match it...

>>We'd also get a chance to relaunce ourselves again with our new name,
>>making at least some publicity. All the people who said "I'll never use
>>your database because you ..." would have to reconsider, and they will
>>rediscover us, and maybe even convert to us from MySQL.
>Publicity is the last thing we need, imo.
Not sure what you mean by that. If we don't need Publicity, why do we
need a name at all?

> We already have a strong user
>base and the user base is growing. The growth is organic and is a pace
>that the community can handle. Changing our name now would set us back
>considerably and I'd put the cost at more than Mozilla could afford.
>Anyway, after being 'beaten up' by Borland, we are not going to let
>ourselves get pushed around by anyone. We picked the Firebird name before
>Mozilla and that the rest is history.
Do you really think that many of the current "organicly grown" users
will loose us in the name change?

Robert Munro