Subject ANN: IBExpert New Version ready for Download
Author Holger Klemt
IBExpert New Version ready for Download

IBExpert Newsletter 21.01.2003

Today we uploaded a new Version
of IBExpert on

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1. IMPORTANT!!! Since version IBExpert stores all its data
(registered databases info, query history, keyboard templates,
options etc.) in a single file - IBExpert.stg.
So when you start IBExpert first time old data will be
converted into new format. Old data files (IBExpert.dat, IBExpert.sqe,
IBExpert.his, IBExpert.fms and Templates.dat) will be copied into
<IBExpert>\BackupData directory and removed from <IBExpert> directory
after converting is finished.

2. Database Designer:

* Added possibility to choose show mode for tables:
- Field Name + Field Type
- Field Name Only
- Field Name + Field Description
You can change this mode from Designer | Model Option.

* Added Autotrace Links option (Designer | Model Options | Autotrace

* Fixed bug with impossibility of deleting domains from model.

* Fixed bug with incorrect CHECK CONSTRAINTS statements.

3. SQL Editor:

* Query History now stores not only query text but also last execution
performance info and query plan.

* Added possibility to execute SELECT statements in background.

* Now stores and restores its size and position (using size and position
last closed SQL Editor).

4. Code Editors:

* After dragging and dropping of table/view from database explorer
IBExpert asks for alias name. If you aren't going to use alias
just hold Ctrl button down while dropping table/view.

* Incremental Search feature added (see context menu of Code Editor).
When you are performing an incremental search, the Code editor status
line reads "Searching For:" and displays each letter you have typed.
For example, if you type "select" the cursor moves to the next
of the word, highlighting each letter as you type it. This behavior
continues until a new occurrence of the string is not found or you
Enter or Esc.

* Search and Replace now allows replace in selected block of text.

* Fixed some bugs with Code Insight.

5. Dependencies Viewer:

* Fixed bug with incopmlete dependencies list for some objects.

* Added possibility to copy selected node hierarchy into clipboard
(Copy to Clipboard in context menu).

6. Data Grids:

* Added possibility to change current record using record number.

* Print Data : Added possibility to print BLOB fields contents.

7. Extract Metadata:

* Added possibility to drag-n-drop folder nodes from Project View.

8. SP/Triggers Analyzer feature added
(Tools | SP/Triggers Analyzer, not available in Personal Edition).
You can analyze all database procedures and triggers just by clicking
on Start Analyzing button. Alternatively you can drag-n-drop SP/triggers
to be analyzed from database explorer.

9. Many other bugfixes and small improvements...

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