Subject RE: interbase+asp+ado
Author Mark Pawelek
I downloaded the XTG Systems InterBase6 ODBC driver and used that. It
certainly made a connection but I can't say how well (eg what it's like
with stored procedures and passing parameters) because I have not used
it intensively.

1st) Firbird was installed on a Windows 2000 Server called "Bernard"
The database "BILLYSDB" was created in the folder "c:\winnt\system32\"
on the above server.

A user called "WILL" was created with a password "billy" and a role =

2nd) The XTG driver was downloaded & installed.

The connection string I used (for the above) was:

"DRIVER={XTG Systems InterBase6 ODBC

(one continuous sting without line breaks)

Naturally you'll change yours to suit your system Server, DB, UID, PWD &
ROLE names.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 15:36:21 -0000
From: "atensari" <atensari@...>
Subject: interbase+asp+ado


can anybody let me know how i can connect Interbase using ASP and
ADO, i already done it with ASP+MS Access.

do i need any ODBC Driver and what will be the syntax/parameters for
the connection,

