Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author Jason Wharton
Yes, there will be but there have been some setbacks among my staff working
on it.
I don't have a time frame either.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfonso Ricaño" <albringas@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird

> Jason:
> I'm the guy who started this thread, and i've been reading IBObjects
> stuff in order to inform me more. I'd like to know if there will be a
> Kylix port of IBO, because i'm very interested in using both Delphi and
> Kylix with Firebird. I know that many people would be interested in
> this issue as well.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Alfonso Ricaño
> --- Jason Wharton <jwharton@...> wrote:
> > The help file is loaded with all the information that is essential.
> > Problem is, most people don't use it properly. I'd hate to think a
> > 6MB
> > compressed (with no graphics) help file is totally lacking. Most
> > people just
> > don't think to look at the base classes being inherited from I think.
> >
> > But, this is getting too far off topic for the IBDI list.
> >
> > What I wish everyone would keep in mind is this. If you are only
> > wanting to
> > do simple stuff with InterBase it is simple to do simple things in
> > IBO. Just
> > ignore the things that don't seem pertinent to what you are doing.
> > Then, as
> > you gain familiarity let your understanding and feature usage
> > naturally
> > expand as the need arises. You will find that instead of taking great
> > pains
> > to give your application nicely integrated features that with IBO it
> > is all
> > there just waiting to be tapped into.
> >
> > FWIW,
> > Jason Wharton
> > CPS - Mesa AZ
> >