Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author David Cornelius
That is one thing I've seen and heard a lot--they're just like the BDE components.  I've used the BDE for Paradox tables, but never for IB--I jumped into that just a couple of years ago using IBX from the start.  Sure, the BDE hides a lot of the details and supposedly makes the underlying db transparent, but IB databases and apps can and should be designed far different than Paradox databases and apps, so there's still a bit of a paradigm shift.
Thanks for your response.  I will focus on what I'm familiar with.  (And hope for a more complete help file some day. ;-)
David Cornelius

>>> jwharton@... 04/12/02 12:51PM >>>

The best way to get into IBO is to simply use the components on the
iboTDataset tab of your component pallette. These are nearly identical to
the Data Access components TDatabase, TQuery, TTable, TUpdateSQL, etc. All
of the documentation that Borland provides for them and that you will find a
wealth of in 3rd party books directly applies to these components. These
also have some extra properties and such but they can be totally ignored.
The defaults are designed to work just as the BDE components did. This is
why people can take a BDE/InterBase application and convert it over to IBO
in mere minutes.

PLEASE, don't be overwhelmed because there are options there. If their usage
to you isn't intuitive simply ignore them. When the need for what it does
comes into view it will click in your mind and you will naturally be on your

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Cornelius" <corneliu@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird

> Hi Kevin,
> I'm using IBO for the first
time in a new job and I must say I'm
struggling.  I don't mind steep learning curves IF there's good
documentation.  But that is one area IBO does not shine.  I was able to do
everything I needed just fine with IBX and though I hear many people rant
and rave about how good IBO is, I don't yet see what the terrific advantages
over IBX is (except that IBO supports Firebird).
> What has helped you most learn IBO?  The
newsgroups?  Just plain
> David
> corneliu@...  503-494-0612
> Research Database
& Applications Analyst
> OHSU General Clinical Research Center
> >>> Kevin.Stanton@... 04/12/02 09:03AM >>>
> I absolutely recommend IBO.
> There may be a bit of a
learning curve, but well worth it.
> IBO has come a long ways over the
years and I wouldn't think of using
> anything else.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
Ed Malloy [mailto:edm@...]
> > Sent:
Friday, April 12, 2002 8:38 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
> >
> >
> > Hi Alfonso,
> >
> > IMHO the ease of use
& reliability of IBX outweighs any possible
> > advantages of using
Firebird instead of Interbase. My experience
> > with IBO was not a
happy one, buggy, buggy, buggy, with tons of
> > "features" that I
didn't need and  continual updates to fix bugs
> > in the
components I did use (gee, sort of sounds like an unnamed
> > nw US
software company, doesn't it!).
> >
> > hth
> >
> > ed
> >
> >
> >
> > On 4/12/2002
at 8:29 AM Alfonso Ricaqo wrote:
> >
> > >Hello
> > >I've been using IBX since they were released with D5.
Before i was
> > >using FIB and BDE. But now, with Firebird, i'm
doubting if continuing
> > >using them (IBX) or not. My plans are to
use only Firebird in all my
> > >developments (i'm currently using
IB 6.0.1 in some of them and Firebird
> > >1.0 in other ones), so i
want to know your point of view respect to
> > >this issue. Could i
continue using IBX in my next developments?
> > >I've seen many ads
regarding that IBO and FIBplus are better connection
> > >components, but my applications use only a few thousand records, so
> > >don't think i need more power in connection software.
> > >
> > >Well, i'll wait for your opinions.
> > >Thanks in advance.
> > >
> > >Best regards,
> > >Alfonso Ricaqo
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