Subject Re: [IBDI] About IBX and Firebird
Author Frank Ingermann
Hi Ed/Alfonso,

Ed Malloy wrote:
> Hi Alfonso,
> IMHO the ease of use & reliability of IBX outweighs any possible advantages of using Firebird instead of Interbase. My experience with IBO was not a happy one, buggy, buggy, buggy, with tons of "features" that I didn't need and continual updates to fix bugs in the components I did use (gee, sort of sounds like an unnamed nw US software company, doesn't it!).
> hth
> ed

Intersting pov - i've made the exact opposite experience (IBX buggy where
IBO works perfectly). Features in IBO i don't need - ok there are some, but
they don't do any harm so why bother. My experience with IBO was a very happy
one indeed: i converted a rather large BDE / Infopower app within hours to
IBO and just this step gave a dramatic increase in performance. Especially
the transaction control in IBO is the best i've ever seen.

Concerning IBX vs. Firebird: Jeff Overcash clearly stated that IBX is *NOT*
going to support Firebird in the future, while Jason Wharton clearly stated
that IBO *IS*. (Jeff O. even refuses to clear up some ambiguous queries in
IBConsole that are now rejected by Firebird 1.0, so his attitude towards
Firebird seems pretty obvious to me).

Using Firebird has so many "possible advantages" over IB (no license fees,
*true* open source, lots of bugs fixed that are still in IB, etc. etc.)
that nothing on this planet could get me to chain myself to Borland IB
(which you IMHO implicitly do when using IBX).

Alfonso wrote:
>I've seen many ads regarding that IBO and FIBplus are better connection
>components, but my applications use only a few thousand records, so i
>don't think i need more power in connection software.

i don't primarily use IBO for it's (undisputed) power, but (amongst many
others) for the reason of future Firebird support.

(you wanted opinions, this is mine :-)

regards & hth,

'fingerbirdy' fingerman's door to Firebird


On 4/12/2002 at 8:29 AM Alfonso Ricaño wrote:

>Hello all,
>I've been using IBX since they were released with D5. Before i was
>using FIB and BDE. But now, with Firebird, i'm doubting if continuing
>using them (IBX) or not. My plans are to use only Firebird in all my
>developments (i'm currently using IB 6.0.1 in some of them and Firebird
>1.0 in other ones), so i want to know your point of view respect to
>this issue. Could i continue using IBX in my next developments?
>I've seen many ads regarding that IBO and FIBplus are better connection
>components, but my applications use only a few thousand records, so i
>don't think i need more power in connection software.
>Well, i'll wait for your opinions.
>Thanks in advance.
>Best regards,
>Alfonso Ricaño