Subject Re: [IBDI] Digest Number 514
Author Dominique Louis
Hi Mark,
I am sure someone will correct me if I am sprouting rubbish here, but
using an ODBC connection for a web application will make it rather slow.
Try finding a more native approach to get that extra bit of speed.

Re: PHP 4...
I really love PHP as it supports quite a few OO constructs. My site uses PHP and it orignally used IB but
since my ISP could not get it to work on their FreeBSD box last year I
switched to using MySQL. Due to PHP's OO capabilities if our ISP did
install FBSQL, in theory we would be able to switch by changing 1 line
of PHP code.

You might want to read this article entitled "Getting started with PHP
and InterBase" @

Anyway I hope this helps,



"Mark Pawelek" <mark@... wrote:

>Sorry if I wasted anyone's time.
>There is another ODBC driver version (XTG Systems) at:
>This version installs with no error messages (unlike
> and the file DSN will probably work (not tried it
>No matter, because a connection string can be used so that ASP pages may
>be written and this has tested OK. The question regarding PHP 4 & Apache
>ASP under Mod_Perl still holds though.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Pawelek
>Sent: 08 April 2002 17:22
>To: ''
>Subject: ODBC Driver - Where is it?
>I downloaded the Firebird ODBC driver ( but was
>not able to get it working when I installed it on Windows 2000 pro boxes
>networked to a Windows 2000 server which had Firebird on it.
>The Firebird database was working OK (with QuickDesk Pro on the clients)
>but the ODBC driver did not install properly.
>What is the current status of the ODBC driver?
>What do I need to get Firebird to work with either (preference is in
>1) ASP,
>2) PHP 4 or
>3) Apache ASP under Mod_Perl
>In short - how do I use Firebird as a web server database engine?
>How much work is involved writing an ODBC driver and should this driver
>be written in Delphi, C++ or C# or does it not matter?
>Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 02:22:56 -0400
> From: "Claudio Valderrama C." <cvalde@...>
>Subject: RE: IB Fields
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: custom_soft_sol [mailto:custom_soft_sol@...]
>>Sent: Lunes 8 de Abril de 2002 10:20
>>Hi All.
>>I am trying to create a Interbase Table but I don't know what the
>>interbase field is for a Boolean Field.
>This is not a support list. You already received two answers in
>ib-conversions list.
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to