Subject Re: [IBDI] IBConsole
Author Krzysztof Golko

I onlu meant to say, that more advanced users not
necessary need more advanced tools, besides if you've
got free SQL server...
I peronally prefer to use user friendly tools and I
admit that IBConsole has limitations in this respect.
If Marathon went open source earlier I would join
Marathon team, but when it happened I were already
involved in IBConsole, so I'm trying to do something
with it.


--- Rob Schuff <rob@...> wrote:
> krzys,
> well of course one only needs ISQL to do "serious
> things" with Firebird, but
> with other tools you can do serious things
> **faster**, for example how about
> creating SUID procedures for a 50 field table in one
> mouse click? Or how
> about preserving database object documentation in
> scripts? If you know how
> to do the equivalent in ISQL in the same amount of
> time then my hat's off to
> you (and I hope you'll share how you pulled it off).
> rob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Krzysztof Golko" <krzysztofgolko@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 3:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [IBDI] IBConsole
> >
> > --- Rob Schuff <rob@...> wrote:
> > > hi robert,
> > >
> > > 3. ibconsole is well...not the cream of the
> crop
> > > and IMHO not worth its price. ;^)
> > This is your opinion, will you allow others to
> have
> > one?
> > >
> > > There may be other out there that are better the
> > > IBE, but I can honestly say
> > > that it saves you so much time that the price is
> > > really just about
> > > irrelevant unless you are programming as a
> > > hobby...and even then its worth
> > > considering.
> > Be assured that many Interbase experts need only
> > to do serious things in Interbase. I would say
> then
> > you're totally wrong, however your argumentation
> is
> > apealling to public imagination
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> >
> >
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