Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: GPL
Author Artur Anjos
Hum... I went there and read all the posts... They have been talking about
two different things.

In another reply of this post:

>So technically any product that uses FireBird must display the following
>acknowledgement "This product includes software developed by Borland
>Corp." as per the IPL in any advertisement of the product even if they
>advertise that they are using FireBird, but they may not call it
>without Borland's permission. I highly doubt Borland will give this

I never understand this licences very well... In my product I should mention
this or not? Geee....

I think we should wait for Ann returns from Japan: I remember that she once
said that her lawyer had clarify very well the situation. (Ann, could you
please give us an help on this legal subjects?)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aage Johansen" <aagjohan@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 11:16 PM
Subject: [IBDI] Re: GPL

> Slightly off-thread, but anyway ...
> The other day ths post below appeared on borland.public.interbase.sql.
> Is there any substance in the claim that "... They are wrong and can lose
> their right to work with
> the IPL code ...". Should Firebird post a response?
> Regards,
> Aage J.
> =======================================
> Subject: Re: Read the manual
> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 11:55:24 -0500
> From: "Jeff Overcash (TeamB)" <jeffovercash@...>
> Organization: TeamB
> Newsgroups: borland.public.interbase.sql
> >...
> > > This is *not* true. Firebird is under the exact same IPL that IB
> > > Open Edition is. Since Firebird is based on the IB source code, the
> > > Firebird project cannot legally change the licensing terms.
> >
> > Go and see it on there website under section
> >
> >
> >
> They need to correct this. They are wrong and can lose their right to
> with
> the IPL code in particular from section 3.1 which stops modifiers from
> distribution the source under something other than the IPL
> ...
> ============
> The post goes on at some length, I can post a full copy if anyone is
> interested.