Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: Attention Firebird Demo Site
Author Damian Dowling
At 11:38 30/04/2001 , you wrote:
>Ok, here is what I think.
>I think that I hope this is a joke.
>I would have thought it's not all too difficoult to make a simple,
>plain, clear website, along the lines of what exists for other OSS
>Of course, before starting to implement pages, it would be wise to
>think about the structure and for this purpose spending some time to
>compare the structure of other, existing OSS sites would probably be
>a good aproach. I just recommended something like that in a private
>mail to you.
>But what you have done on your demo page goes beyond all my
>imagination of poor design. Are you an IT-Manager or just yet another
>child playing?? My God.

Markus, you do seem to have a talent for pissing people off (I apologize
for the language). I will admit that i am not used to doing projects in the
manner that Open Source ones are done, my last project was a multi-million
pound internal on-line ordering system. On the project i had a team of Art
Designers to figure out the logo and the colour scheme, so remember I am a

I will leave it at that before i lost my temper.

Damian Dowling
IT Manager
Pallas Foods Ltd

Phone: + 353 69 20200
Fax: + 353 69 20201
Email: it-manager@...