Subject Re: About IBDI
Hello Ann,

> So now, it's a new model - quite exciting - something of a
> meritocracy where merit accrues to activity and knowledge.

I'm glad you agree to have Firebird as a non-profit venture. I've
said I had no preference because, being new, I'm not in a position to
have one. But to be honest, I find the not for profit concept much
more exciting and I'm sure it's also much more encouraging for all
the active contributors because, this way, everyone is really part of
it. Firebird belongs to the Firebird community, that's a very good

> >If Firebird shall not sell CDs, in order to leave that activity to
> >IBPhoenix, I think terms should be found on how part of that income
> >is to flow back to the Firebird project.
> Absolutely. Wouldn't have it any other way. What I plan to do
> (subject to being declared barking mad by my partners) is to include
> a Firebird stipend in the price of every CD. Listed on the page,
> like shipping and sales tax.

Sounds great! Since Firebird isn't organized to manage the sale of
CDs anyway, this sounds like a good partnership. Since the non-profit
Firebird is economically independent from IBPhoenix, it will do its
best to also find other forms of sponsoring, but for the sale of CDs
this looks like a good solution. So I think Firebird should give this
a try and not sell CDs itself for the moment.

> The question, is where should that money go? To developers I
> happen to like? To some organization unnamed? To Markus's new
> Mercedes?

In my opinion, since Firebird is independent and non-profit, it would
be wise to give to the Firebird core a corporate structure
(Association), even if it doesn't intend to sell CDs at the moment.
It will seek other forms of sponsoring or, who knows, receive
donations, and all such things cannot be handled properly without
corporate form.

In the medium term this association should be founded and since you
will of course (hopefully) be a member (President?), you will
yourself participate in the decision how the money of Firebird shall
be used.

Until then, well, who knows, maybe the Association exists before you
start selling anything :)

> >Conclusion: If IBPhoenix wants to sell the CDs and hence build
> >business on everything related to Firebird, they should, in my
> >opinion, also adopt the name (Firebird Inc.)
> Wouldn't I jump at that opportunity! IBPhoenix is a fine name,
> but tied to the past (IB), and awkward to say. As I wrote elsewhere,
> I answer the phone "Ann Harrison." I tried answering "IBPhoenix"
> for a day or two. My office-mate echoed "I be Albuquerque", causing
> me to dissolve in giggles and ruining whatever impression of
> professionalism I might have created.

Indeed, I also think IBPhoenix isn't the ideal name for a business.
You should check if "Phoenix Consulting" is available and use that
for your business. Sounds much better!

> >and take control of the
> >source code repository. I think there is much sympathie for Ann
> >the currently active contributors and such a step would probably be
> >possible (to be discussed with those who have contributed so far).
> I have no right to control the efforts of those who volunteer their
> time, and no way to pay for the kind of services that are currently
> being donated.

Again, thank you!
