Subject Re: Trademarks
> Not only are we not allowed to use InterBase to promote Firebird,
we must
> acknowledge that Firebird is based on code released under the IPL.

Where do you read this? Is that II.1 of the amendments?

II.1. Advertising Materials. All advertising materials mentioning
features or use of the covered Code must display the following
acknowledgement: "This product includes software developed by Borland
Software Corp."

This seems to require an acknowledgement mentioning Borland as a

However, it's required only where "features or use of the covered
code" is mentioned.

That sounds reasonable to me: The idea seems to be, that if we point
out particular feaures of the product to promote it, and if Borland
has contributed some of the code for those features, then they want
to get credit for it.

On the other hand, the fact that it's an RDBMS (a SQL database),
isn't a feature, that's the type/category of the product. It's like
saying about a RolceRoyce that it's a car. That's not a feature, it's
the type of product.

That also seems logical from a purely practical point of view: Short
slogans like: "Firebird, the open source SQL database engine" must be
possible without the acknowledgement. Otherwise small ads would
become almost impossible, the acknowledgement becoming longer than
the ad itself.

The acknowledgement must be put where an actual list of the features
of the product is produced: CD booklet, Printed handbooks... and yes,
probably an RPM description too.

Where the acknowledgement is required, I guess it must be printed
exactly like required in the license: "This product includes software
developed by Borland Software Corp".

That's for the "mentioning features" part. But what means "where...
use of the covered code is mentioned"?