Subject Re: [IBDI] UDF Questions
Author Steve Landrum
Hi Robert,

I have had similar problems finding where dll's execute with ISAPI dll's.
To find the execute location you could write a file "findme.txt" then go on
an easter egg hunt. Or since this dll will only be occasionaly executed
and performance is not an issue you could lookup the interbase path in the


At 07:35 AM 1/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>> Something just popped into my mind. When I execute a function from
.gdb, is the
>> current dir that of IBServer/IBConsole or that of the .gdb? That may be
my problem.
> That is not the problem. I copied interbase.log to one step up from my
gdb and it
>still fails. IB obviously does something to the path.
> Best regards
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