Subject Re: [IBDI] Re: [IB-Architect] EasySoft ODBC Driver & Borland
Author Nick Gorham
Jason Wharton wrote:

> > We need to flood Borland with requests to come to an arrangement with
> > Easysoft to open source this driver and get it out here for all to use.
> What is it that EasySoft requires? Of course its money but how much?
> I am presuming that if Inprise [c|w]ouldn't pay 25K to have an ODBC driver
> written by a master developer who happens to know InterBase better than the
> average Joe, I don't know that EasySoft stands to get much more than that,
> if anything, and I'm afraid this probably won't be enough to cut it for
> them.
> EasySoft will need to for sure have a plan B if they plan to recoup their
> expenses. I suppose $100 to have royalty free distribution isn't such a bad
> thing. I have already committed $100 to the IBPhoenix driver and I suppose I
> would to EasySoft as well if it proves itself to be useful.

Well remember, that we had allready commited resource to this, before we were
told that the original verbal agreement came to nothing. The driver that was
over 75% finished at this point, so the extra commitment is not that great for
us. The question is do we continue commiting or cur our losses, I for one would
be sorry to see that happen having commited a lot of personal time and effort
on this driver, and Easysoft management have cut me the slack to do this, its a
gamble, we shall see.

A lot depends on

1. How the driver is recieved,
2. How many people actually want a ODBC driver
3. How it stacks against the IBPheonix driver.

So far...

1. It seems to have been working well, (if you know otherwise please tell me)
2. This remains to be seen.
3. Again time will tell, I havn't seen any comments about the other driver, but
we shall see. Remember its one thing to know InterBase well, but its another to
have the same understanding of ODBC, and more to the point how apps use ODBC.

Nick Gorham
"I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence,
There's a knob called brightness, but it doesn't work."
- Eugene P. Gallagher