Subject External table on IB 4.0 for Netware 3.X vs. the rest.
Author Steffen Nyeland
I wrote a small program which reads a DDL-type file, replaces the "external
file name" and creates the EXTERNAL TABLE, for import purpose.

When I do this on my IB 5.x on WIN and (Linux, I think) it works, and I
when I do a select from the table, I get my records. But when I switch to
one of our IB 4.0 for NetWare 3.12 (Y2K OK), everything runs without
errors, but my select returns no records.

I tried to change my EOL field from 2 to1 to 3 CHARs. Without any change.

I got this little idea, that it might have something todo with where I
place my external file, and how I refer to it, because Netware might not be
able to resolve back to my C:\TEST.TXT file, and what if another use tries
to select from this table, it would be empty for her/him right?

thanx in advance

Steffen Nyeland