Subject Re: [IBDI] Is it possible to implement OPENROWSET (SQL server 7) in IB 7?
Author Nick Gorham
"Claudio Valderrama C." wrote:

> Microsoft has succeeded pushing ODBC outside Windows realm.


its just a minor point, but as someone who has spent the last two years with others
developing unixODBC and those who previously did the same for iODBC, I have seen no
sign of MS pushing anything outside Windows. The nearest I can see of this is allowing
Visigenix/Intersolv/Marant to licence their driver manager code for *nix, and to allow
two incompatable driver managers for Mac's to be produced from the same code.

MS never (IMHO) push anything outside windows, they sometimes allow others to pay them
so they can port it, then MS use that as evidence of them supporting other platforms,
next MS moves the standard on, so the non windows port is left behind.

Nick Gorham
When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, gently while sleeping,
and not like his passangers, screaming in a panic, looking for the
inflatable raft. -- Seen on ./