Subject Release version
Author Ann Harrison
> 2) What's the plan for making a release? What's the release going to
> be called? Firebird 6.01? What do we want to get done for this
> release that's not done already? (Mark, I think you have some
> thoughts on this. Care to share?)

Topic near and dear to my heart.

If I were naming it, I'd call it Firebird 1.0 to show that we're
starting fresh.

Here are the things I consider essential for a release:

Three new features to make people happy.

TOP (as in "select top <n> <col list> from table order by <col>)
Thread-safe client library

The first two use capabilities currently in the engine - (blr_first
and blr_value_if, but don't hold me to the names. I haven't checked).

Several bug fixes:
The SuperServer Linux threading bug that Charlie identified
User defined collating sequences (missing element in structure)
NT hard coded connection limit
Default value is non-ascii source forge bug 112177
Self-join bug (description follows)

I'd like to keep the number of bug fixes small, for now, so I'm not
including Claudio's set of rdb$db_key/rdb$database server crashes.
The default value problem is included because it destroys data - the
whole table is lost on restore. The self join bug gives wrong answers.

FYI, here is my list of problem severity:

Wrong answer
Data lost/database corruption
Server crash
Client lost
Bad performance
Non-standard behavior

There are probably others - but losing data and returning incorrect answers
are nasties. There is one other wrong answer bug ... select count (*) + n
returns 0 when there are no qualifying rows. I'm willing to consider that
a rare case, though fixing it would be nice.

Any other candidates?