Subject Re: [IBDI] IB & Windows ME
Author Lawrence N. Green
That Sounds like it could be a factor,
Does anyone know what to do about this?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ann Harrison" <harrison@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [IBDI] IB & Windows ME

> At 09:19 PM 10/8/2000 +0000, Lawrence Green wrote:
> >Is this just me, or is someone else having this problem.
> >Ever since installing Windows ME, Interbase takes 10 to 15 minutes to
> >start inialize, ether from IB SQL or from within a Delphi
> >Application. The first draw to the database take 10 to 15 minutes.
> >Anyone know anything about this?
> Not from first hand experience, but you are not the first person
> to complain about the situation... err... problem. Having
> stifled my first inclination which is to ask, "why Windows ME,
> do you have a death wish?", let me ask, "Do you have any idea
> whether the problem is CPU overload, or disk?"
> It's vaguely possible that Windows ME makes incremental memory
> allocation very expensive - InterBase does a lot of that in
> initializing the server. The other possibility, really slow
> I/O would probably cripple the uSoft products... though it may
> be that the relatively small reads (1K-8K) are pessimized.
> Regards,
> ann
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