Subject Re: [IBDI] Interbase 6.0 bug ?
Author Ivan Prenosil
> A Query3=
> Select * from ToDoList
> where ToDoList.code not in (select codefrom from ToDoListDone);
> => return me 0 record !!!!!
> Can somebody explain me why not Query1=Query2+Query3 ?
> I have found a solution:
> Select * from ToDoList
> where ToDoList.code not in (select codefrom from ToDoListDone where codefrom
> is not null);
> => retourn me 13 records, and Query1=Query2+Query3 !!!!
> Is it a bug ?

Yes, it is a bug. It is on both IB5 and IB6.

Two other solutions:

- If you create index on ToDoListDone(codefrom), you will get right result !
(or if you add foreign key constraint codefrom->code, IB will create index automatically)

- You can rewrite your command this way:
Select * from ToDoList
where not exists (select * from ToDoListDone where codefrom = ToDoList.code);
