Subject RC4
Author Jim Starkey
I coded up an RC4 transform for a performance test. Running a 4M
record TPCC load, encrypting all client communications with RC4 added
about 7% (64 bit gcc on Linux) to elapsed time. Compiled for debug, the
difference was 12%. This is a huge improvement over AES.

RC4 is a stream, not block cipher. RC4 generates a random keystream
that is XORed bytewise with the plaintext. The basic foundation is a
256 byte array of scrambled value from 0 to 255. Each step swaps a pair
of entries.

RC4 got a bad rep over the WEP fiasco, but the problem was really with
how they used RC4, not RC4 itself. If you want more detail, see

Attached are the RC4 transform, an abstract "cipher" transform for
polymorphic ciphers, and an update of the AES transform with optional
CBC (cipher block chaining) to make Geoff happy.

Jim Starkey
Founder, NimbusDB, Inc.
978 526-1376


// copyright (c) 2010 by NimbusDB, Inc.

#include "Cloud.h"
#include "AESTransform.h"
#include "TransformException.h"
#include "tomcrypt.h"

#define SETUP rijndael_setup
#define ECB_ENC rijndael_ecb_encrypt
#define ECB_DEC rijndael_ecb_decrypt
#define ECB_DONE rijndael_done
#define ECB_TEST rijndael_test
#define ECB_KS rijndael_keysize

extern int SETUP(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey);
extern int ECB_ENC(const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, symmetric_key *skey);
extern int ECB_DEC(const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, symmetric_key *skey);

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static const char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;

AESTransform::AESTransform(int operatingMode, Transform *src)
mode = operatingMode;
source = src;
schedule = new symmetric_key;
blockSize = AES_blocksize;
blockChaining = false;

delete schedule;

unsigned int AESTransform::get(unsigned int bufferLength, UCHAR* buffer)
UCHAR *p = buffer;
UCHAR *endBuffer = buffer + bufferLength;
UCHAR input[AES_blocksize];

// If there is residual data from the last call, move it to output buffer

if (ptr < end)
int len = MIN(bufferLength, (unsigned int)(end - ptr));
memcpy (p, ptr, len);
ptr += len;
p += len;

// loop until output buffer is full or we run out of data

while (p < endBuffer && !done)
int len = source->get(sizeof(input), input);

// If we got less than a full block, we've run the input source dry

if (len < sizeof(input))
done = true;

if (len == 0)

memset(input + len, 0, AES_blocksize - len);

// Encode or decode a block

case AES_encrypt:
if (blockChaining)
for (uint n = 0; n < AES_blocksize; ++n)
chain[n] ^= input[n];

ECB_ENC(chain, block, schedule);
memcpy(chain, block, AES_blocksize);
ECB_ENC(input, block, schedule);


case AES_decrypt:
if (len < sizeof(input))
throw TransformException("partial AES block");

ECB_DEC(input, block, schedule);

if (blockChaining)
for (uint n = 0; n < AES_blocksize; ++n)
block[n] ^= chain[n];

memcpy(chain, input, AES_blocksize);


// Figure out how much of the block fits in the output buffer and more than amount of data

len = MIN(endBuffer - p, AES_blocksize);
memcpy(p, block, len);
p += len;

// If there's residual data, set up for the next call

if (len < sizeof(block))
ptr = block + len;


return p - buffer;

unsigned int AESTransform::getLength(void)
int len = source->getLength();

return ROUNDUP(len, AES_blocksize);

void AESTransform::reset(void)
end = block + sizeof(block);
ptr = end;
done = false;

if (source)

void AESTransform::setKey(uint keyLength, const UCHAR* key)
int rounds = 0;

switch (keyLength)
case 16:
rounds = 10;

case 24:
rounds = 12;

case 32:
rounds = 14;

throw TransformException("Invalid AES keysize");

SETUP(key, keyLength, rounds, schedule);

void AESTransform::setInitialVector(uint vectorLength, const UCHAR* vector)
blockChaining = true;

if (vectorLength)
for (uint pos = 0; pos < sizeof(chain);)
int l = MIN(vectorLength, (sizeof(chain) - pos));
memcpy(chain + pos, vector, l);
pos += l;
for (uint pos = 0; pos < sizeof(chain); ++pos)
chain[pos] = pos;


uint AESTransform::getBlockSize(void)
return AES_blocksize;


// copyright (c) 2010 by NimbusDB, Inc.


#include "CipherTransform.h"

static const int AES_encrypt = 0;
static const int AES_decrypt = 1;
static const int AES_blocksize = 16;

union Symmetric_key;

class AESTransform : public CipherTransform
AESTransform(int operatingMode, Transform *src);
virtual ~AESTransform(void);

virtual unsigned int get(unsigned int bufferLength, UCHAR* buffer);
virtual unsigned int getLength(void);
virtual void reset(void);
virtual void setInitialVector(uint vectorLength, const UCHAR* vector);
virtual uint getBlockSize(void);

void setKey(uint keyLength, const UCHAR* key);

int mode;
uint blockSize;
bool done;
bool blockChaining;
Transform *source;
UCHAR block[AES_blocksize];
UCHAR chain[AES_blocksize];
UCHAR *ptr;
UCHAR *end;
Symmetric_key *schedule;



// copyright (c) 2010 by NimbusDB, Inc.


#include "Transform.h"

class CipherTransform : public Transform
virtual void setKey(uint keyLength, const unsigned char *key) = 0;
virtual void setInitialVector(uint vectorLength, const unsigned char *vector) = 0;
virtual uint getBlockSize() = 0;



// copyright (c) 2010 by NimbusDB, Inc.

#include "Cloud.h"
#include "RC4Transform.h"
#include "TransformException.h"

//#define SWAP(i,j) { state[i] ^= state[j]; state[j] ^= state[i]; state[i] ^= state[j]; }
#define SWAP(i,j) { UCHAR c = state[i]; state[i] = state[j]; state[j] = c; }

RC4Transform::RC4Transform(Transform *src)
source = src;


void RC4Transform::setKey(uint keyLength, const UCHAR* key)
for (uint n = 0; n < sizeof(state); ++n)
state[n] = n;

for (uint k1 = 0, k2 = 0; k1 < 256; ++k1)
k2 = (k2 + key[k1 % keyLength] + state[k1]) & 0xff;
SWAP(k1, k2);

s1 = s2 = 0;

uint RC4Transform::get(uint bufferLength, UCHAR* buffer)
uint length = source->get(bufferLength, buffer);

for (UCHAR *p = buffer, *end = buffer + length; p < end;)
s1 = (s1 + 1) & 0xff;
s2 = (s2 + state[s1]) & 0xff;
SWAP(s1, s2);
UCHAR b = state[(state[s1] + state[s2]) & 0xff];
*p++ ^= b;

return length;

void RC4Transform::reset(void)
if (source)

uint RC4Transform::getLength(void)
if (source)
return source->getLength();

return 0;

uint RC4Transform::getBlockSize(void)
return 1;

void RC4Transform::setInitialVector(uint vectorLength, const UCHAR* vector)


// copyright (c) 2010 by NimbusDB, Inc.

#ifndef _RC4_TRANSFORM_H_
#define _RC4_TRANSFORM_H_

#include "CipherTransform.h"

class RC4Transform : public CipherTransform
RC4Transform(Transform *source);

virtual uint get(uint bufferLength, UCHAR* buffer);
virtual void reset(void);
virtual uint getLength(void);
virtual uint getBlockSize(void);
virtual void setKey(uint keyLength, const UCHAR* key);
virtual void setInitialVector(uint vectorLength, const UCHAR* vector);

Transform *source;
uint s1, s2;
UCHAR state[256];


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