Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] UUID sidetracks
Author Kevin Berry
--- "Ann W. Harrison" <aharrison@...> wrote:
> Key compression is nearly as large a factor in index
> size as the
> original key size, and, for identifiers, prefix
> compression matters
> most. If there is any way to arrange the key so
> that the parts that
> don't change come first, you can reduce key size
> significantly - by half
> or more.

Thanks for the tip. I may well use the UUID libraries
suggested by previous posters that will benefit from
prefix compression.

I'd still prefer to see a native 16-byte UUID type.
I'm not wild about the "privacy" aspects associated
with UUIDs generated the "old style." GUIDs are much
better in that respect because the MAC address is
scrambled. So "old style" UUIDs that benefit from
prefix compression will not be the best solution in
all cases.


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