Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] RDB$USERS Prospective Definition
Author Jim Starkey
Pierre Y. wrote:

>Since the users table is centralized in the security database, I use
>groups id to discriminate users between appplications, in the login form
>I fill a combobox with users_names belonging to the users group(s)
>allowed to connect to the application.
Sounds like we should leave them there.

>>If the users table can be owned by the database itself (as in vulcan) i
>>won't have to use the GID field but will it be possible to extend the
>>"standard" users table to add useful fields ? (emails address, phone or
>>whatever can be needed by the application...)
Sure -- no magic. Just a table like any other tables. You may need to
be SYSDBA to change it, but that shouldn't be much of a problem.