Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Re: Encryption for embedded server
Author Jim Starkey
Leyne, Sean wrote:

>>"As Jim described it, a plug-in would be required for base
>functionality -
>>- that's just wrong."
>>Some of us might politely wish to take an alternate view: anything
>>can be a plugin (even default functionality) should be.
>Obviously, we disagree, which is our mutual right.
>I just think of the average user trying to use the engine - How much
>will they need to worry about?
>In my model; Nothing. Just install the engine, no plug-ins to think
>about and go.
This is a non-issue. Whether the "default" physical I/O is structured
as a plugin linked as part of or a separate shared
library configured in the distributed core configuration doesn't make
any difference at all. If you can install a plugin that chains to it or
a different plugin that overrides is what we're talking about. Vulcan
already has shared images for the Y-valve, the engine, the remote
interface, the legacy gateway, international support, and the canned
UDFs. Another image, plus or minus, doesn't matter. Its the capability
of the architecture I'm interested in.