Subject Re: [Firebird-Architect] Another plea for clearer error
Author Dmitry Yemanov
"Ann W. Harrison"" <aharrison@...> wrote:
> >I tend to say yes. But obviously not for FB2...
> Anything is possible, of course. A more productive post-V2
> approach might be to use the Vulcan internal SQL to execute
> procedures directly, without the BLR intermediate layer.

Yes, I was thinking about this too. And, generally, I like the idea. I will
definitely support it as soon as someone explains how SPs are going to be
serialized in the database. Or are we going to take the MS approach and make
them interpretable rather than compilable? Or do we require the source code
to be available and recompile a SP on the first reference? This will make
lots of people (those hiding their sources in distributed databases) quite
