Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Classic vs SuperServer was IB/FB Lock manager failures
Author Alexandre Kozlov

good explanation for this error. In that project we used java application
with ability
to set up connection string through user interface (In previous project
there was built-in address
and we had no problems with it). If it is so - good for Borland as it
correct this small but evil error
and bad for FB.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Weissenbacher" <MWeissenbacher@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: [IB-Architect] Classic vs SuperServer was IB/FB Lock manager

> i will put my experience with this bug here altough i think this would
> better belong to ib-support or firebird-devel.
> i think i was hit by this problem recently, i have asked for help in
> ib-support under the title "ibserver running at 100%". the cause of all
> these problems mentioned there was one little thing: i had two java
> connecting to the database. one from localhost, one from another host. the
> program that connected from the other host was some kind of
> data-insert-program. after running this program the records did not appear
> in the database, altough they were successfully inserted and commited by
> data-insert-program. additionally, "wrong page type" errors appeared in
> database. i had to backuprestore it or it would lose all data after some
> additional time. after two days of intensive search i found the problem by
> looking at the server properties/log page in ibexpert. i noticed that the
> same database was open twice by the server, so it was like the server
> accessing two different databases, but in fact it was the same file, hence
> the corruption problem! the output looked like this:
> Database Info
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Number of connections: 17
> Number of databases: 2
> Databases: /opt/interbase/databases/agro.gdb
> opt/interbase/databases/agro.gdb
> this occured using firebird 1.0 SS on linux. the problem was, that the two
> clients connected to the server with two different connection strings:
> jdbc:interbase://localhost//opt/interbase/databases/agro.gdb
> jdbc:interbase://localhost/opt/interbase/databases/agro.gdb
> so this little slash missing was causing us very heavy problems with the
> database. after i made sure that all clients connected using the same
> with the / all problems disappeared.
> regards
> michael weissenbacher
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