Subject blr_user_role
Author Ann W. Harrison
In the future, we will see two types of engine extension -
those that are specific to an implementation, like the function
mapping I suggested earlier, and those that are common to both
implementations. For the first type, we just need to keep out
of each other's way so we don't use the same blr codes, etc., to
describe different functions. For the second type, a bit of
early cooperation could avoid major differences in the future.

The issue that brings me to write this is a desire to implement
CURRENT_ROLE, which implies a need for blr_user_role. Both
InterBase and Firebird will eventually offer CURRENT_ROLE - it's
part of the SQL standard and also useful. Can we pick one blr
code value, equivalent to blr_user_name in syntax and semantics,
that we can both use to implement CURRENT_ROLE?

