Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Re: Events Improvement
Author Dmitry Yemanov

> [snip]
> I believe your change requires the AST routine to be able to
> receive an arbitrarily long event parameter block without calling
> gds_alloc, malloc, or any of their friends and relations.

It just requires an event parameter buffer of arbitrarily length to be
passed to the AST routine. In my implementation the code of the AST routine
knows nothing about the increased length of its argument, it is reported by
the second argument that the buffer still has the same length as before. The
extended part of the buffer is hidden and can be specially accessed by any
other code which is aware of the EPB format. So there is generally no reason
for the AST routine to deal with the memory allocation, but in fact it will
depend on how we will decide to retrieve the detailed information. This is
the only unimplemented thing now and I'm still waiting for the feedback
regarding this question from the rest of community.
