Subject Re: [IB-Architect] New feature request (thread priority)
Author Dmitry Kuzmenko
Hello, Ann!

"Ann W. Harrison" wrote:
> At 01:16 PM 11/25/2000 +0100, Toni Martir wrote:
> >The feature request is to create a new transaction parameter option like:
> >
> >tpb_high_priority
> >tpb_low_priority
> Jim has just explained the first issue I have with this proposal -
> low priority threads blocking high priority threads and unable to
> run because of their priority.

I saw in sources that sweep thread is starting with LOW priority. Does this mean
that sweep will never end if there are other activity on the server?
I've already asked this question at, but
nobody answered.

According to your great posting about very long garbage collection when there are
non-unique index with a lot of duplicates, seems that setting sweep thread priority
to LOW is not a great idea.
Does anybody have tested sweep process with low priority? Maybe it is better to
allow DBA to configure priority of sweep thread in IBCONFIG?

p.s. another thing I saw in sources is garbage collector thread with MIDDLE priority.
Is there any description what is the difference between sweep and garbage collector's threads,
and why their priority LOW and MIDDLE, and how this will affect performance on production

Dmitry Kuzmenko, Epsylon Technologies.