Subject Re: Borland's News Server
Author Mark O'Donohue
--- In, Craig Stuntz <ib-architect@m...> wrote:
> Mark O'Donohue wrote:
> >
> > My Posts to firebird-devel@l... are also not making
> > it out into the mers ibbuild list (even the boring ones).
> OTOH, they are showing up on IB-Architect, which I read through the
> Mers newsserver.

I think Rob is a bit selective in his "moderation", In my opinion it's
compounded by the fact that when he kills a subject, or person or
post, he doesn't tell anyone, so noone actually knows if he is
actually doing it, or when he does it, or if it is just some other
intermitent problem.

His last post to interbase list was that he will be taking down mers
newserver for a while and bringing back totally new lists.

Im not sure what that means. Im personally a bit worried that given
his close association with Borland, and indeed his role there as a
"community spokesperson" that it'll result in trying to further
isolate those people not regarded as "borland friendly" from the
"interbase community".

I persoanlly like newsgroups, rather than soaking up my email, And
like the fact of having all the newsgroups next to each other, so I'd
miss it if some of these newsgroups, suddenly went "missing in action"
as ibobjects did a while ago.

