Subject Re: [IB-Architect] The Borland Back Door
Author Jim Gunkel
At 08:46 PM 1/9/2001, you wrote:
>The distribution site for the zapper is

Downloaded and applied (Win32 / IB6). Worked fairly clean. The download
instructions should be modified to include the above IP address since the
DNS name isn't working yet. Also, there's a typo in the example download
text on the first line (2 characters are transposed in the URL).

One question, I didn't have to shut down the server to apply the patch (the
instructions didn't say to do it either). Does the patch program shut the
server down to apply the changes to the .EXE? If so, you may want to put
that note in the instructions so that others are not confused. Thanks for
the proactive fix!

Jim Gunkel
Nevrona Designs