Subject Re: [IB-Architect] Re: Linus Comments
Author Edward Flick
Well, gee how about C# :-P ?

Edward Flick

--- Joseph Alba <jalba@...> wrote:
> >We should step back a bit, however, and realize
> that most of Interbase is
> >not coded in an OOP language. Therefore, we should
> first decide if we want
> >to transform it into an OOP form.
> >
> Not True. Design pattern principles can be
> implemented on C.
> When Linus was talking about Interfaces he was
> talking on a logical sense
> (not implementation). Logical sense means design
> principles. Implementation
> includes what language you actually program in.
> Logical <is not>
> Implementation.
> Linux itself is programmed in C. Linus has resisted
> calls to migrate to C++.
> Yet, he has this principle regarding interfaces.
> Interfaces in C can be defined easily through
> prototypes. But agreeing on a
> common set of prototypes, (meaning, function
> headings), each platform (unix,
> windows, etc...) will have their own directories,
> which will contain each
> platform's implementation. Developers on these
> platforms can even proceed on
> their own without minding the going's on on other
> platforms, as long as they
> stick to the prototypes' boundaries.
> Remember, there are two phases in software
> development: Analysis (Design)
> and Implementation (programming). You can use OOP
> principles on design, but
> implement this design using non-oop language like C.
> example:
> Prototype Directory
> -------------------------
> isc.h
> - int Interface_1()
> - int Interface_2()
> BuildUnix Directory
> ----------------------
> isc.c
> #include <isc.h>
> interface_1()
> {
> implementation code
> }
> interface_2()
> {
> implementation code
> }
> BuildWindows Directory
> ----------------------
> isc.c
> #include <isc.h>
> interface_1()
> {
> implementation code
> }
> interface_2()
> {
> implementation code
> }
> The prototype .h files defines the interface
> (procedure/function)s that need
> to be implemented. If anyone wants to implement
> Interbase on some platform,
> he should implement these prototype functions.
> -----
> Point is: OOP principles in design (logical) sense
> does not necessitate OOP
> programming language (implementation).
> (We don't have to use C++ just to implement the
> interface priniciple, and
> reap the benefits that Linus is talking about.)
> Joseph Alba
> jalba@...

Edward Flick
Systems Programmer / Database Administrator
CDF, Inc.

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