Subject IBConsole
Author Ken Richard
I'm having some trouble connecting to my local server from IBConsole. Can
someone explain what the following line of code is doing? It appears that
IBConsole things interbase server is not running if the the IB_SERVER window
does not immediatly follow the desktop window in the zorder. This code does
not look safe because the z-order is not guaranteed. In fact, the server
window may be in an entirely different window station depending on the
settings for the service.

I don't know delphi and don't even have delphi, so I can't fix it. I asumme
the fix would look like:

if FindWindow('IB_Server','Interbase Server') != null
result := false
result := true;

If this fix is valid, is there anyone who can apply the changes and compile
a new binary?

* I s R u n n i n g ( )
* Author: The Client Server Factory Inc.
* Date: March 1, 1999
* Input:
* Return:
* Description:
* Revisions:
function IsIBRunning(): boolean;
if GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow,GW_HWNDNEXT)= FindWindow('IB_Server',
'InterBase Server') then
result := false
result := true;