Subject RE: [IB-Architect] Re: IB 6.1 Whish: boolean field
Author ENSELME Béranger
> >> I wonder how the community feels abou implementing a
> boolean field type
> into
> >> interbase ?

I guess the problem with a boolean type is that it's not SQL-compliant (but
I might be wrong)

> >What's wrong with the domain?
> >
> >create domain boolean as smallint default 0 not null check(value in
> >(0,1))
> >
> >or
> >
> >create domain boolean as char(1) default 'F' not null check(value in
> >('F','T'))
> I know, but on the delphi side you cannot use a
> TBooleanField, but get a
> TSmallIntergerField, and thats needs some coding to work.
> (You cannot use a
> TDBCheckbox for example)

Yes, you can ! You have to create it manually using the fields editor and
set the DisplayValues property, but it works.

Bérenger Enselme