Subject RE: A word on InterBase at Inprise
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
Helen, I thouhgt you'll going to Cc Ted.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
> Sent: Sábado 29 de Julio de 2000 0:40
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IB-Architect] A word on InterBase at Inprise
> At 06:23 PM 28-07-00 -0700, Ted Shelton wrote:
> >All:
> >
> >There has been a lot of speculation about Inprise and InterBase.
> > My name is Ted Shelton. I am the Sr. VP of Business
> >Development for Inprise.
> Business **development** ? Does Inprise do business development by
> declaring war on its customers?
> >I have attached below a press release
> >which is being sent out right now to clarify our position with
> >respect to InterBase.
> >
> >Most importantly:
> >
> >1) We are not shutting down InterBase. We continue to have a
> >solid group of InterBase employees, we will continue to support
> >our existing customers, and we will continue to participate in
> >the InterBase community.
> "Continue to participate" ? Are you kidding?
> >2) We are working to develop a plan around supporting InterBase
> >as an open source product. We will be inviting the community to
> >make suggestions about how we can best accomplish this goal.
> You made a great start in Open Source (spelt O-P-E-N---S-O-U-R-C-E, not
> O-U-T-S-O-U-R-C-E) by releasing unbuildable source code, broken binaries
> and withholding the pieces that members of the Open Source community need
> to actually give this product a life.
> >3) We welcome the development of new companies seeking to
> >support InterBase. We hope that, as with the Linux community,
> >there will be many successful companies that develop around
> >InterBase.
> Yeah, right, many successful companies who want a piece of something that
> Inprise is actively and overtly trying to kill.
> What about the company that already developed around InterBase?
> What about
> the community that staked its shirt on ISC?
> >While we were not able to come to an investment agreement with
> >Ann Harrison and Paul Beach we appreciate the efforts they have
> >made on behalf of the InterBase community and wish them the best
> >in their endeavors.
> Cool. You appreciate how hard they worked at getting stiffed by
> Inprise. That is soooo heartwarming.
> A $10 million ransom demand is an "investment agreement"?
> >Please feel free to send comments or questions to me directly [snip]
> >Ted Shelton
> That Inprise put a PR person "in charge" of this token effort amply
> demonstrates its intentions. Someone there at Inprise believes
> it's going
> to be OK announcing that it expects to keep milking the efforts of
> volunteers and pretending they did something themselves.
> An interesting study of sociopathy and self-delusion.
> From now on, please don't start threads of this nature in
> IB-Architect. We are cynics who have serious work things to discuss
> here. Public relations B*S belongs out there in Dale Fuller's world of
> lemmings, ingenues and willing victims.
> Helen
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> "Ask not what your free, open-source database can do for you,
> but what you can do for your free, open-source database."
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